No play (Covid)
In early2020, due to the Covid-19 pandemic everything closed down in Berlin including schools, nurseries and playgrounds.
The playgrounds were closed and fenced by “do not cross” barrier tape, usually used to protect the public from dangerous premises. For people without a private garden or outside space playing was only possible inside. No private meetings could take place. Children were isolated and some were more lonely than ever before, families struggled because of additional stress and anxiety.
After a couple of months the playgrounds opened up again but restrictions stayed in place. These changed from time to time and ranged from being allowed to meet one another household including five grown-ups to maximum 1 person. Outside was always preferred. From time to time we allowed our child to meet neighbours and friends outside for play but the feeling of loneliness and not being able to see your friends like they used to influenced the mental health of many children since the start of the pandemic.
Schools and nurseries opened again with new daily routines and rules. Small groups of pupils, medical mouth covers, no stopping in the corridor on your way to the restrooms. Outside playing without face covering was allowed. Then came the winter and a new wind for the contagious virus. Schools and nurseries were closed again and stayed closed for several months.